Adapted Athletics

The Clayton Eagles is the coed, adapted sports program for Clayton County Public Schools. The adapted sports program gives physically-impaired students an opportunity to participate in athletic competitions.

Clayton County Public Schools supports the idea of providing sports opportunities for all student athletes. The system recognizes some student athletes cannot participate in regular athletics due to a physical disability or orthopedic impairment either acquired at birth or from an accident.

Eagles Handball in Action at West Georgia

AAASP Wheelchair Football State Runner Up


GHSA Wheelchair Basketball State Runner-Up


Sports Schedule of Seasons

As a member program of the American Association of Adapted Sports Programs, the Clayton Eagles participate in the following sports seasons:

Fall: Wheelchair Handball
Winter: Wheelchair Basketball
Spring: Wheelchair Football

Contact Information

Interested students, parents, and family members should contact Coach Sebastian Tillman at

Frequently Asked Questions

The Adapted Sports Program is open to male and female students in grades 1 through 12. Athletes have a physical impairment that excludes them from competing on a typical sports team. There is a cognitive requirement that the athlete can understand enough of the game to actively participate on the team.

Examples of the types of disability groups served include cerebral palsy, spina bifida, spinal cord injury, amputee, muscular dystrophy, torn ACL, and balance issues due to hearing impairment.

Athletes do not need to use a wheelchair in everyday life. The wheelchair is just a tool that allows them to play a competitive sport. Manual and power chairs are allowed.

As a member program of the American Association of Adapted Sports Programs, the Clayton Eagles participate in the following sports seasons:

  • Fall: Wheelchair Handball
  • Winter: Wheelchair Basketball
  • Spring: Wheelchair Football

All practices and games take place at our home gym at the old Lovejoy Middle School. We usually practice one night a week from 6:30 – 8:00 PM and the games are played on Saturday. Games usually last an hour and a half.

Interested students, parents, and family members should contact Coach Samuel Gonzalez at


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